Hello friends!

I didn’t have much planned for today and I thought about doing a post on ‘things that scare me/5 of my biggest fears’ but thought I’d keep that for later and update you on a couple of things first.

Continue reading “UPDATES !”

Chapter 6: Living In The Now

A few weeks ago the story of Megan Sullivan went viral on the interwebs and I’m sure you’ve all heard of it. If you haven’t here is a breakdown: Megan has a really shitty week (reallyyyyy shitty), she has a 50 ft fall, gets hit by a car and is diagnosed with skin cancer. Like I said, terrible week. She then decides to make one of her biggest dreams happen so she visits the seven wonders in 12 days. It’s a great story, it really is. It’s a story we’ve all heard and loved and been inspired by.

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Chapter 5: Chasing Your Dreams.

To be completely honest with you, I don’t know how to start this post. I just know it’s definitely something I want to talk about. It’s something I struggle with at times because although I preach a lot to people about doing whatever makes them happy and doing what they want to do with their lives. It’s hard to put into practice. So here is a reminder to myself and to you.

Continue reading “Chapter 5: Chasing Your Dreams.”

Chapter 4: Finding Inspiration.

There’s no magic potion, or secret formula, or perfect equation to finding inspiration. Quite frankly it’s one of the biggest struggles for any artist. Even when the inspiration is flowing and content is being produced there’s always that little voice saying ‘but what if you run out of things to say? what if you can’t make art anymore? what if you can’t tell stories anymore?’ It’s terrifying but realistically it will happen. It will happen often and here are some of the ways I get through it.

Continue reading “Chapter 4: Finding Inspiration.”

Chapter 3: Forgiveness.

I’ve had this post in mind ever since the Brussels attack and it’s a tricky one for me to write because it branches off into so many different topics. I find myself having so much to say and I get completely side tracked. Forgive me if it sounds a little messy but I hope the point will come across. Let’s do this!

Continue reading “Chapter 3: Forgiveness.”