Chapter 6: Living In The Now

A few weeks ago the story of Megan Sullivan went viral on the interwebs and I’m sure you’ve all heard of it. If you haven’t here is a breakdown: Megan has a really shitty week (reallyyyyy shitty), she has a 50 ft fall, gets hit by a car and is diagnosed with skin cancer. Like I said, terrible week. She then decides to make one of her biggest dreams happen so she visits the seven wonders in 12 days. It’s a great story, it really is. It’s a story we’ve all heard and loved and been inspired by.

Continue reading “Chapter 6: Living In The Now”

Chapter 5: Chasing Your Dreams.

To be completely honest with you, I don’t know how to start this post. I just know it’s definitely something I want to talk about. It’s something I struggle with at times because although I preach a lot to people about doing whatever makes them happy and doing what they want to do with their lives. It’s hard to put into practice. So here is a reminder to myself and to you.

Continue reading “Chapter 5: Chasing Your Dreams.”