Chapter 1: Faking Indifference

Over the last couple of months I’ve noticed that faking indifference is an increasingly popular concept and it bothers me. It bothers me on so many different levels, for so many different reasons. Hear me out!

There’s two reasons for you to fake indifference: a) You genuinely have a hard time opening up because you’re afraid of how others are going to react b) You want to act cool like nothing bothers you or gets to you.

If you are part of the first group then I understand  you and I have been there so I’ll get to you soon. However if you’re part of the second group … Cut the crap. There’s nothing cool and mysterious about it. It doesn’t make you better or stronger or anything like that. It just makes you the asshole that answers in 11 minutes because the person you’re talking to answered in 10. Telling yourself ‘Oh good God I can’t possibly show I care and want this because I am ‘better'” is the stupidest excuse ever. Own up to your feelings and what you care about.

I’m not just saying this for relationships, this applies to everything. Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, there’s no time for halves or doing things because everybody else is. Do whatever you want, love as much as possible, pour your heart into it. I’m not saying it’s easy and everything will work out. Truth is, it might not, and it will hurt and sting and suck. But at least you’d have tried it all, you’d have given it everything you possibly could. Plus if you never even try, how will you ever know? You could be missing out on the best, because you’re scared to take a risk and put yourself out there.

You were given a heart and you were given feelings and there’s a reason to that… To feel. It’s just that simple. By building walls and being scared you stop yourself from doing just that. Yes you may keep the pain and hurt away, but you’re also keeping the happiness away and all the crazy possibilities that could happen, if you’d only just let yourself feel. The more you connect with your emotions, the easier it is to figure them out. Faking it and pushing them away never helps. None of it makes you weak, it just makes you more confident that you can be so open and honest. Stop running away, stop faking it, stop acting like you don’t care. Because you do. That’s what makes you so interesting and unique. Embrace that shit ! 

You want to know what’s attractive? Honesty, communication, passion, raw and real emotions. So next time you want to act like you’re too cool to care, reconsider your options. The world desperately needs more passionates, peacemakers, storytellers and lovers. The world desperately needs more of you.

Sincerely yours,


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